Events 2019
This section shows the events that the Club has attended:
7th December. skittles evening.
We held our Annual Prize giving evening on 7th December. The evening consisted of a fish and chip supper and we had a friendly game of Skittles. Thank you
to all of those who assisted on the night and made it an enjoyable evening.
7th and 8th September. Swindon and cricklade railway show.
This was a very popular event for our members. We all had a very enjoyable two days with lots of interesting things to see and do. We proved to be a popular
attraction to the many visitors and the organisers were very pleased with our display. We all hope to go again next year.
25th and 26th august. Uffington White Horse Show.
The Uffington Show on the August bank holiday weekend attracted huge crowds due to the very hot weather throughout the weekend. There was a wide range
of activities on offer, including helicopter rides, motorcycle and BMX stunt bikes, crafts and trade stalls. We also provided ample entertainment racing our boats
around the sometimes choppy pond, with several members of the public wanting to get soaked with the prop wash to cool down.
We have been thanked by the organisers and they have invited us to come back again next year.
11th August. tetbury Show.
Six Members supported this event on a day of sunshine and showers. We were kept busy particularly in the first part of the day covering and uncovering our
models many times. It did improve later and we had an enjoyable time. We were sited in a different position this year in front of the rugby club house which
was fine but a little remote from the main showground. We did however benefit from people walking past us from the main entrance. A good effort from our
Members with a good variety of boats and engines on display.
20th And 21st JuLy. Ducklington Show.
The Ducklington Show was a very enjoyable two day event and was well supported by our Members. This was a static Show, but we had plenty of interest
from the public. The model engines ran all day thanks to Brian, who also helped a member of the public with their wish to convert their model boat to radio
29th June. Milton Lilbourne Summer Show.
The Milton Lilbourne Summer Show was well supported by our Members who had a very pleasant day, a very hot day where we had a very good position under
the shade of a large tree. Plenty of sailing all day. The model engines ran all day thanks to Brian. The extra new compressor made a big improvement. We kept
the public entertained all day thanks to the hard working members. A big thank you from the show organisers for putting on a good show.
1st and 2nd June. Trout Inn Lechlade.
A very good show again this year with a good turnout from Members. A very busy hot day on the Saturday with huge numbers of the general public keeping us
busy with lots of interesting questions to be answered. Sunday in contrast was a very quiet day partly due to the rain.
5th May. Lambourn Country Show
A very good show this year with 7 members in attendance. The show was bigger than in previous years with plenty of bargains to be had on the very big car
boot and auto jumble stalls. Lots of public visiting our exhibits all day. Although the weather was a bit on the cold side we all had a very enjoyable day.
27th April. South West Ship Show, Bristol.
The Club had an enjoyable day at the South West Ship Show, with plenty of interesting models on display and for sale from various clubs.
March meeting: Winter Projects Exhibition.
20 Members attended the March Meeting. The number of Models were fewer in number than previous years but were interesting and built to a very high
standard. A most enjoyable evening.
George’s 90th Birthday Presentation
The Club presented our Chairman, George, with a custom made cake to celebrate his 90th Birthday and to thank him for all the hard work he has put in to keep
the club running.