Member's Projects
This section shows the projects that members have been working on:
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Jeff's ThrasherJet Speedboat
Edwin's Airboat
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project and a set of building instructions.
Edwin's Pusher Tug
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project.
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project.
EDWIN'S recovery boat
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project.
Martin's 3D Printed Destroyer
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project.
Nick's Seidel ENgine
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project.
Paul's Panart Anteo 1:30 RC Harbour Tug
Please click on the picture below to view more details of the Project.
Rob's arrow offshore racer
Rob has been working on an offshore racer kit and here are the details below:
The first image is of the ‘complete kit’ as it arrived (no fittings, controls or motor).
The second image is almost complete (still needs bath test so I can check current draw from the motor and controller). The paint scheme is my own
rather crude interpretation of how it may appear as a full size offshore racer. There were no transfers in the kit so what lettering you see I produced
from a Word document printed onto some decal paper.
The third image shows my basic attempt at a launching cradle to allow my creaky bones to lower it into the water at Coate harbour.
George's Boat john H.amos
George has been working on a scratch built model of the John H.Amos, which is a paddlewheel tugboat built in Scotland in 1931. The top two photos also show
the cake version that was made to celebrate George’s 90th Birthday (please refer to the 2019 News for more information).
Rob’s new yacht - Star Majer
The maiden voyage of Rob’s yacht took place at Coate Water in October and Rob said the following:
“I am pleased to be able to say that first time out with only a moderate and fluctuating breeze it sailed better than I hoped. In and out of the harbour three times.
The first two under sail only and the third time under auxiliary power since time was getting short!
Having spent so many hours designing and building the thing my wife insisted on taking a picture of me with the model. I am 5ft 6ins tall so it gives an idea of
the overall size”.
Wroughton Airfield show 1988
Nick has found these photos from his album, they show the Club at Wroughton Airfield circa. 1988.
Both photos show Bill Woolfall and his Rotary engine. The right hand picture also shows Fred Pearce (in the dark brown jacket). In the centre at the far side of
the pool you can see Brian Freegard.
Bob’s Steam Trawler
The following pictures are of a steam trawler that Bob is building.
It is the St Nectan from Mountfleet Models and is 69 inches long with a displacement of around 55 pounds.
The steam plant is a self-designed and built centre flue boiler with ceramic gas burner. There are two water feed pumps, these are the Stuart hand pump for
initial priming and a Stuart steam powered pump with automatic control for normal topping up during sailing.
The boiler is fitted with automatic pressure control of the gas supply to the burner. Gas supply is from custom built tanks that are removable from the boat
though they can be refilled whilst installed.
Fresh water for the boiler is carried in a tank near the bow of the boat and the volume of gas and water should provide around 2 hours of non-stop steaming.
The engine is the Stuart compound launch engine built from castings by Bob. The boat and its machinery have been on the slipway since 2001 but as of January
2016 are nearly complete. The engine has been run in on compressed air as has the steam pump.
Radio control of the rudder, engine speed and direction is provided with additional control of a gas shut-off valve and fire extinguisher for emergency use!