Events 2021
4th December. Skittles Evening and Prize Giving
We attended our Christmas meal and Skittles Evening at the Stratton Bowls Club. A big thank you to the bar man and all of those who helped out on the night.
We enjoyed several games of Skittles, with the men beating the women (both times). The Chairman and Secretary presented members with Trophies that they
had won from the Steering Competition back in November. A list of the Trophies can be seen on the About Us page of the website. The remaining Trophies were
handed out at the Club Meeting, for those unable to attend the Skittles Evening.
25th - 26th September. Swindon and Cricklade Railway Military Weekend
We attended our second event of the year and sailed a varied selection of scale, steam and fast electric boats on our portable pond. The weather was excellent
on both days and we had a lot of interest in the models.
7th - 8th August. Swindon and Cricklade Railway Vintage Weekend
We attended our first event of the year and sailed a varied selection of scale, steam and fast electric boats on our portable pond. Both days were well attended
and our members enjoyed the wide selection of attractions including classic cars, traction engines, craft stalls and even several rides on the steam trains.
Lockdown Projects
The following Projects show a good mix of Engineering and boat building by our members over the past year.
Bruce's loco's and boats
Bruce has recently completed a loco and has painted and lined it in 2020 LBSCR 1913 K Class. The transfers were unobtainable, so he has used his sign writing
skills to add the fine detail.
Other pictures include an ongoing project of the 7 No. Pullman cars, which is an all metal chassis members and bogie frames.
The boat is a steam tug taken on Cheddar lake.
rOB M's boats
Rob is working on a kit called Arrow which he bought from SLEC Ltd and it is based on a classic off shore racer. He has fitted this with a brushless motor.
TERRY H's boats
Terry’s projects include the Milford Star, Customs Cutter Sentinel and Fairmile “D” Dogboat. These are now awaiting ballast and water testing at Coate Water
when restrictions allow.